Monday, March 17, 2008

Random Ramblings...

Yeah, I feel like I should get myself into the habit of writing more frequent posts so as to hone my writing chops, but the Blog Topic Muse seems to have taken the evening off.

I want to join a gym, but I'm wavering between joining an independent gym or the YMCA. The gym is way cheaper, but they only offer one class that works with my schedule, spinning at 9:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They have free childcare, which is perfect, but I can only make the Tuesday class. The Y has more classes, but not during preschool. M is going to see if the gym is planning to run classes throughout the summer, and if they're going to change the days next year when the boys are in school MWF. That might help me decide.

I've been totally sucked into the WMB. What can I say, I'm a total geek. I have embraced my inner dork, and I love her.

Hubby and I had a great chat Saturday night about building on to our house. We'd put on a garage with a second story playroom, a mudroom, and expand the kitchen. I got such a charge from the conversation; I'm excited that this might actually happen!

As much as I look forward to Easter this Sunday, I really need to be more disciplined about cutting out sugar. All of that chocolate is not going to help that effort. I was doing so well after the holidays, right up until I found out I was pregnant. I told myself I could go crazy for a week after the D&C, and while I have cut back, I find myself picking on the candy the boys got at the egg hunts this past weekend. It's not good. I need to get back on track because (a) it helped me drop those last stubborn pounds, and (b) I felt so much better.

Well, that's it for now. Let's hope I find something better to type about tomorrow, or soon.

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