Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Celebrate K

Tomorrow is Celebrate K at J's school.  Technically, it's the kindergarten graduation, but since some children repeat the year (usually because of late birthdays), it's called "Celebrate K."

I can tell that J is a feeling somewhat nervous? anxious? sad? that the school year is almost over.  Earlier today I asked him which of his classmates he would like to be in his class next year and he replied "all of them."  He's had an incredibly positive experience and I don't blame him for not wanting it to end.

J's first year of school has flown.  It feels like just a few weeks ago we waited for the bus on the first day of school.  And while I was worried that he might be nervous about riding the bus, he strode up to the door and climbed on without looking back.  He has grown and changed so much this year, and not just physically.  J has gained confidence.  He is a natural leader, and is friends with so many kids.  I am so proud of him.

I can remember his birth like it was yesterday.  The days of contractions, sleeping at the dining room table, and then finally being admitted to the hospital to be induced.  Enduring the increasing doses of pitocin, and finally sleeping once the epidural was administered.  The doctor telling me that he'd be back in about an hour after he performs a C-section.  Pushing.  The doctor resting J on the table immediately after he was born.  Finding out he was a he.  The devil horns he made with his seconds-old hands.  The nurses telling us, then showing us, that he has dimples.  And that's just within J's first minutes.

It's amazing that J has only been in our lives for nearly six years.  I feel like he's been a part of me forever.

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